Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Q and A: IT job or IAS examinations - Vinay Raj
Q and A: IT job or IAS examinations - Vinay Raj PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
Friday, 17 September 2021 14:21

Vinay Raj asks: I am a well-educated IT professional. I have been working in software development field since past five years. But, now I am thinking of leaving my job to prepare for the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) examinations. Is that a good idea for me? If not, then what is the kind of work which is suitable for me? My DOB is 27th September 1991, TOB is 17:16 Hrs and POB is Mumbai in India.
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Vinay! The Indian Administrative Services examinations are one of the toughest examinations in the world. They require a lot of preparation and time and many young people are spending their precious years and lots of money to pursue this dream. So, it is important to know whether it is a suitable path for you or not before leaving your job to prepare for it.

You were born under Aquarius (Kumbh) ascendant and Aries (Mesh) Moon-Sign. You are in the 18 year long Rahu Mahadasha from 15th March 2018. As of today, you are in the Jupiter Antardasha in this Rahu Mahadasha from 25th November 2020 to 21st April 2023. Rahu Mahadasha is an unstable and unpredictable period. Your ascendant lord Saturn is in the 12th house of losses, though in its own sign of Capricorn (Makar), in the natal chart, and it is in transit in the same sign these days. Ketu is affecting your 10th house through its transit.

Looking at all these factors, it can be said that this is not a time to take such big decisions about career, as there are high chances of losses of time and money, and very less chances of success in the IAS examinations. So, I do not advise you to leave the job to prepare for these examinations.

Looking at the combination of Mars- Mercury- Sun in the 8th house and Venus-Jupiter in the 7th house it is clear that IT sector is the most suitable field of work for you. Yes, you can diversify into creative areas of IT sector like graphics, animation, designing, etc. But, your future work will be in the IT or related field only.

You will not be in a job for long. In 2023-24 you will get opportunities to start your own venture in IT field. That will be a successful business and you will earn well from quite diverse kind of work in that business.

Some Jyotish remedies for you -

1. Wear a gemstone for Venus. It can be a White Sapphire or a Fire-Opal. Wear it in a silver or white gold ring on the ring finger. Also, wear a Gomed (hessonite) in a silver ring on the middle finger.

2. Avoid wearing Red and Orange colours in your clothes. Avoid these colours in your other belongings too. The good colours for you are Blue, Green, Yellow, Grey, Black and Violet.

Jyotish Biz


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