Consult :: Jyotish for Corporates :: Q and A: Gemstones and other remedies for me - Shreyas
Q and A: Gemstones and other remedies for me - Shreyas PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ashutosh   
Monday, 31 January 2022 10:39

Shreyas asks: My DOB is 27th January 1982, TOB is 20:30 Hrs and POB is Ahmedabad, in Gujarat, India. Sir, I am facing issues related to marriage. I am not married and all attempts to get married are failing. I am not getting a good position in the workplace as there are many enemies at work. Fortune does not favour me. Can you tell me which gemstones I should wear or any other remedies to fix these problems?
Astrologer Ashutosh

Astrologer Ashutosh: Shreyas! You were born in Simha Lagna and Kubmh Rashi. In your horoscope, three planets are placed in the 6th house which indicates difficulties, rivalries, enemies, health problems and financial troubles too. These three planets are Venus, Mercury and Sun.

In Leo ascendant, Sun, Venus and Mercury rule the houses which govern health, personality, profession, income, wealth and stability in love affairs or in married life. All these areas of your life are thus negatively affected due to these three planets being placed in the 6th house which is one of the three harmful or negative houses in a horoscope.   

Other factors in the horoscope like Mars- Saturn in the 2nd house, Rahu in 11th house and 12th lord Moon in the 7th house of marriage also contribute in some ways to your present difficulties. I am suggesting some remedies which, if you perform them properly, will give you some respite from your problems and some level of stability in your professional and personal life. Then, you can expect to get married in the first half of 2023. And, by May 2022 most of your problems in your job will go away. But for all that to happen you must perform these remedies properly.

1. Colours - Avoid wearing and using Black, Grey and Green colours in your belongings. Avoid Red too as much as possible. Wear and use more of Yellow, Golden, Orange, Pink, Light Blue and Pale colours.

2. Keep fasts on Saturdays, if possible. When fasting, eat one normal vegetarian meal during the day and consume fruits and milk at other meal times.

3. Gemstones - Wear a good quality, untreated and natural yellow sapphire for Jupiter in a gold ring on your index finger or in a gold pendant. You can also wear a Sindoori coral for Mars in a gold ring on the ring finger.

4. Eat food at proper times and do not skip meals. Also, avoid all kinds of food and drinks which can cause intoxication.

5. Avoid financial dealings with friends and colleagues. Avoid taking loans from friends and do not lend money to them too. Try to keep yourself away from the office politics and never express your opinions about any colleague of yours before other co-workers. This will save you a lot of hassle and it will also bring more stability in your job.   

Jyotish Biz


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